For me the most intelligent man in history is King Solomon.
___well for me Isaac is the one; Einstein copied the laws of Sir Isaac . Einstein modified it to form the theory of relativity.
___I think the most intelligent man in the world is SAJED LASKAR___
Many people believe Einstein was, I believe that too. I believe that because he rewrote modern physics and he did it without any experiment. Most scientists see things and try to make laws to apply to that, Einstein used only theories and equations, his conclusions were proven after he stated them. To rewrite the basics of modern physics without any observations, just through theory and equations must be the most intelligent thing a man has ever done.
In fact, Einstein works are not completely original. They were based on previous works as those of Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré. Considering that Einstein was bad in mathematics and Poincaré was a genius in mathematics, probably Poincaré was more intelligent.
Hey ,who said Einstein was bad in mathematics,he was the best in that once in class his teacher could not solve a problem Einstein taught his teacher,for that he got scoldings.He was very good in Mathematics and physic and very bad in other subjects in his childhood days
___sahil dhingra in Electrical & electronics engg. is most intelligent person alive n ever existed, Einstein n all were good in one or two subjects but sahil is master of all subjects. currently living in united states, did his education in ITUS award for his intelligence.
Since when the mathematical thought is the only one that counts? This question is almost impossible to answer, simply because the concept of intelligence is hard to define. There are all kinds of intelligence, emocional, racional, creative...
And to be honest I would'n choose a mathematician to represent intelligence, they can only handle numbers. I prefeer Leibniz instead of Einstein, at least he could apply their thoughts in other subjects too.
Most intelligent man in history... he is definitely one of these: Nietzsche, Da Vinci, Aristoteles, make your choise, but don't come out with Einstein, he's just a baby in the intelligence business.
The most inteligent man alive today is Kim Ung-Yong (born March 7, 1963) is a Korean child prodigy. Kim was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ"; the book estimated the boy's score at about 210.[1] He was able to read Japanese, Korean, German, and English by his third birthday. On November 2, 1967, at age 4, he solved an advanced stochastic differential equation. Later, on Japanese television, he demonstrated his proficiency in Chinese, Spanish,[citation needed] Vietnamese, German, English, Japanese, and Korean. Even in childhood, he began to compose poetry.
It is subjective to determine the smartest person on Earth as intelligence can be measured in various ways such as IQ, knowledge, creativity, problem-solving skills, etc. However, historically, individuals like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da vinci, and Isaac newton are often considered some of the smartest people due to their significant contributions to science and innovation. It is important to note that intelligence is multifaceted and cannot be definitively ranked.
Well, honey, defining the "smartest" person on Earth is like trying to pick the best flavor of ice cream - it's all subjective. But if we're talking about IQ, Marilyn vos Savant holds the title with an IQ of 228. But hey, intelligence comes in all shapes and sizes, so let's not get too caught up in who's wearing the smarty pants.
the smartest girl on earth is Marilyn Vos Savant with an IQ of 186. Hope this helps
William James Sidis
They are very smart. Indeed, if you think about it they were the smartest people on Earth. They Mayans never disappeared.
The Bible does not highlight 'smartest women' like many would consider King Solomon as the 'smartest' man. It does highlight particular women though starting with Eve and including others like Deborah, Ruth, Esther, Elizabeth mother of the Baptist, Mary of Magdala, Mother Mary to name some with positive contributions. There is always Jezebel...
Lou Gehrig considered himself the luckiest man on earth because he survived lots of challenges in his life and he beat the challenges. That's why he considered himself the luckiest man on earth.
the smartest guy on earth the smartest guy on earth the smartest guy on earth the smartest guy on earth
indeed, he is the smartest man/boy at FairView.
im the smartest da man how did you not know dat
You will never become the "smartest " person on earth, but have to be happy with who you are and the things you can accomplish.
The smartest man on this planet is Jim Diamond, who is a certified Mega-genius.
He was the smartest man on Earth, Now its is Stephen Hawking Albert was the best at what he did at the time but he had a great failing when it came to quantum mechanics. He avoided that branch of physics.
the smartest girl on earth is Marilyn Vos Savant with an IQ of 186. Hope this helps
the smartest animal on earth is a chimpanzee.
Legend has it that when the smartest man in the world died they put his brain in a jar .
To be honest, there is no smartest human in the world. The smartest man in ancient Greece was Aristotle, though.
To be the smartest man on earth you have to know more than everybody else at everything. That includes lingo of certain things: You would have to know more than the best expert computer technition, and not only something complicated but things like what is the best cleaner for mustard stains, and what is the 30th element of the perdoic table, I how high is five decks premo, anything and everything. To be the smartest man on earth is impossible because someone somewhere will know something you don't. you listen to women lol