

Why are mammoths feet so big?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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12y ago

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They were so big because they were large mammals and needed more support for their weight

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Q: Why are mammoths feet so big?
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Not all dinosaurs had large feet. Some dinosaurs were small and didn't have big feet.

How big were mammoths tusks?

about 10 feet long

How big are mammoths tusk?

Up to 16 feet long

Do mammoths have claws?

No mammoths were just like today's elephants only with a thick furry coat. Their feet were like an elephant's feet - a big round fatty pad to support their massive weight.

How big did the woolly mammoths grow to?

Fully grown males were often ten feet tall at the shoulder.

What are the advantage of a woolly mammoths being big?

they can fend off hunters with there tusks or stamp on them with there size 20 feet

How big are mammoths?

There were several species of mammoths, some of them big and others not so big. The largest one was the Sungar mammoth, which was 5 meters tall and was heavier than a Tyrannosaurus rex! But the most famous mammoth, the woolly mammoth, was around the size of a modern day Asian elephant (around 3 meters tall).

What do you have on mammoths?

they are big and fury and they use that fur for warmth

HOW TALL wear the wool mammoths?

9 to 13 feet -isabella5435

Did mammoths live in Antarctica?

No, mammoths didn't live in Antarctica. It's too cold there, and there is no food chain for any animal.

Do indian elephants eat wolly mammoths?

No, ew. Woolly mammoths don't even exist anymore. Asian elephants are herbivores anyway, and so were mammoths.

Why did people follow herds of animals such as woolly mammoths and bisons?

Early humans depended on the herds of mammoths, bison, and other large animals for food, clothing, shelter, and many other things. So, when the big game moved, humans followed them.