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Because he was the first person to conceive the idea of a fully automatic programmable calculating machine having an architecture with the four separate but intercommunicating units common to all modern computers:

  • Arithmetic Logic Unit
  • Control unit
  • Memory unit
  • I/O unit(s)

However his machine was entirely mechanical and was never built,

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12y ago
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14y ago

he first invented the computer and not ar we use now and it was huge actually he was a man who actually interested in business management the first computed what he invented is called as mechanical engine it deployed because of unavailablity of hardwares and rate of computer

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11y ago

He didn't as they didn't exist then. However one of his jobs was AS a computer: a human computer. It was one time when he was doing this job that he got the inspiration that there should be a way to make a machine that could do the same task.

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13y ago

because he was trying to impress people in the city...however he couldn't do anything, so he thought of making something ,finally he thought of making a model...a computer...!!!!1

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12y ago

he got tired of doing the calculations himself

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