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Before one can invent a measuring device, one has to agree on how much, how long, or how wide a measured thing is. Body parts are a portable way to measure an item. After all, you still have your hand if you lose the ruler. If all you have is your body and the clothes on it, how do you figure out how long a meter is? Or how long a length of cloth is? If you need three feet of material, how easy is it to simply walk three feet? For most purposes, a rough estimate of the size, shape, weight, or length of an object is sufficient. However, for more precise measurements, there were measuring instruments. A "rod" was about 6 feet long, a "cubit" was the average length of 18 inches, and plumb lines were used to determine the straightness of buildings. Older people in today's time still use body parts to determine rough measurements. Watch an older lady who sews. She will hold up a length of material and "measure" it against her body. Actually, this measurement is roughly a meter, the length needed for the pattern she is using. The average adult hand is roughly 6" long..measure your hand and see...and this measurement is good for comparison on items which should be about a foot long. Precise measurement is not generally needed for most items, unless the item needs to fit exactly into or onto another item. Measurement gives us a visual and mental "picture" of how the world looks.

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Q: Why didn't ancient people use rulers and measuring devices instead of body parts?
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