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Alcohol is a natural analgesic and sedative. Alcohol is also a natural antiseptic. In biblical times a small amount of wine was added to the water much the same way we add chlorine to water today. Water with a little wine in it was safer to drink as it destroyed bacteria and many parisites.

Unfortunately, many people enjoyed the sensation of escape and relaxation. Biblically we are told to "drink a little wine for thy stomach's sake". Of course that would be part of the antiseptic nature of the alcohol. Another biblical animation was that you shouldn't be a "winebibber", meaning that you shouldn't be an alcoholic.

Most of the traditional religions include alcohol in their practices, almost as an admonition to seek moderation.
because people like to be someone their not because their Friends

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14y ago

People usually become alcoholics because they are depressed, bored, or they just want to be a part of the "cool crowd".

The largest risk factors that can predict if someone becomes an alcoholic is family history of Alcoholism and usage of alcohol at a young age (teens). These factors do not guarantee someone will become alcoholic, but the likelihood is increased.

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Why do young people become alcoholics faster than adults?

They don't become alcoholic faster.

Can some people who are born with alcoholism become an alcoholic from their first drink?

There is no scientific that some people are "born alcoholics."

How many alcoholics are there in England?

Actual statistics are hard to come by, because many alcoholics do not cooperate with surveys. It is generally accepted in the treatment field that potential alcoholics (people who are likely to become alcoholics if they drink excessively) make up between 7 and 10% of the population in Western countries. Please note the word "if." A person who never drinks alcohol will not become an alcoholic, regardless of potential.

Are alcoholics capable of loving?

Yes, alcoholics are capable of loving. They are capable of all emotions. They are people.

Can teenagers become alcoholics in today's world?

no! they just drink for fun

When did the prohibition begin?

after people became alcoholics

Which famous people were alcoholics?

Noah and Lott

What are some prejudices against alcoholics?

People often believe that alcoholics are derelicts and bums. However, this is just a stereotype.

Is Alcoholics Anonymous too inclusive or exclusive?

Anyone who has a problem with alcohol can become a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking.

Can alcoholic become a chemical depencency professional?

RECOVERING alcoholics make the best chemical dependency professionals. Active alcoholics who have not dealt with their own issues are pretty awful.

How many people are alcoholics in America?

It depends upon the study and who is doing the study. Most suggest 5 - 10% of Americans are Alcoholics.

Do alcoholics get cured from their drinking?

According to surveys conducted by the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a substantial proportion of alcoholics become cured of alcoholism and are able to drink in moderation.