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It started in the 13th century in England. If bakers shortchanged their customers they could be punished severely. (For example: If the bakery did not weigh enough, the baker could have his hand chopped off. They would also have a damaged reputation, and be known as a cheat.) Bakers began giving customers 13 for the price of 12 to be certain this would not happen to them.

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Q: Why does a baker's dozen have thirteen instead of twelve?
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Related questions

How many is one dozen?

twelve, but a bakers dozen is thirteen

Is there thirteen in a bakers dozen?


What do you call a group of thirteen?

bakers dozen

What does 13 in a B D stand for?

Thirteen in a Bakers Dozen.

How many doughnuts are in 12 dozen doughnuts?

A dozen is twelve. There are 12 donuts in a dozen donuts. ^ unless its a bakers dozen.. then its 13.

Who many are in a dozen bakery?

Twelve, unless it is a "Baker's Dozen," which traditionally is thirteen.

A gross a score plus a bakers dozen comes to what total?

Never heard of "bakers score" and "bakers gross", a bakers dozen is 13 because bakers used to throw in an extra bun for example if you ordered 12 buns, a baker would throw in one more making it thirteen, a score is 20 and a gross is 144, so if you go with the "bakers dozen" rule I suppose you add one to a score and one to a gross.

What is 13 in a BD?

cookies in a baker's dozen

What is a dozen?

A dozen is a group of twelve. If you order a dozen doughnuts, you will get 12. ~Elle~

What does one red rose instead of a dozen roses mean?

dozen is twelve

Why bakers dozen used?

During times of high corn prices, bakers were suspected of cheating customers by putting less rolls or buns in a bag but charging for a full dozen. In order to stamp out this practice, stiff penalties were passed on bakers shortchanging their customers. In order to avoid accidentally putting less bread in a bag and falling foul of this law, bakers took to sticking an extra bun in the bag so that even if they miscounted, they wouldn't be punished. So 'a baker's dozen' means thirteen!

How many dozen make 28 cookies?

2 and a third dozen. 2 and two thirteenth bakers dozen. a dozen is twleve a bakers dozen is 13