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Because your body need less portions of the food at the top.

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the foods at the top of the food pyramid are foods that one should minimize.

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Q: Why the top of food pyramid is so small?
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What food group is at the top of the food pyramid?

well a food pyramid at the bottom has more healthier foods so at the very top would be sweet stuffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! That is so wrong.

Why is a food pyramid a triangle?

The foods that are at the top of the pyramid (fats) are the foods that you shouldn't eat so much of (that's why it's so small). The foods at the bottom of the pyramid (carbs) they recommend you eat the most of (that's why it's so big).

Where is humanity in food pyramid?

Nowhere. The food pyramid represents the necessity and quality of each food group, e.g. bread and rice is on the bottom because of its necessity, whereas sugary sweets are placed at top because of how useless it is to our body. That being said, everything in the food pyramid represents what we eat. If humanity was placed there, it would mean that humans are commonly consumed, so much so that they need to be placed in the pyramid.

Which section of an energy pyramid is the largest and Why?

A pyramid is bigger at the bottom and small and pointy at the top. so its bigger at the bottom, otherwise it would have been called an energy upside-down pyramid =). But anyway, energy enters a food chain from the sun. some energy and biomass is lost at each stage of a food chain as feaces, movement energy and heat energy (especiall birds and mammals). therefore only a small amount of energy and biomass is incorporated into a consumer's body and transferred to the next feeding level. the loss of energy and biomass at each stage is a representation of why the pyramid gets smaller at the top.

What food group is mustuard?

Mustard is a condiment so it would be used in moderation, at the top of the pyramid. It does not have much nutritional value.

What is leeks on the food pyramid?

A leek is a type of vegetable, so it will be in the vegetable portion of the food pyramid.

What food group is chewing gum in?

Chewing gum should be eaten in moderation. so it is at the top of the pyramid. It has little to no nutritional value.

Why is the healthy eating food pyramid in the shape of a pyramid?

The healthy eating pyramid is in the shape of a pyramid so that when a person looks at it, they can tell that down the bottom is what you eat the most of, and it goes up from there till it reaches the top and that's where you eat the least.

Where does an ecosysytem get energy?

Initially, energy from the sun is used by producers, which are photosynthetic, to make food. Primary consumers eat the photosynthetic organisms. Secondary consumers eat primary consumers, and so on. Tertiary consumers are at the top of the food pyramid. The amount of energy decreases with each level of the food pyramid as energy is lost as heat. This is why animals at the top of the pyramid, the tertiary consumers, must consume more animals to receive a sufficient amount of energy for survival.

Why do we need more plants than animals in the food pyramid?

We need more plants than animals in the food pyramid so there is enough food and air to support them

What is the difference between the standard food pyramid and the vegan food pyramid?

a vegan food pyramid cancels out meat, dairy, and eggs. this is so because vegans only eat nuts, fruit, vegetables, wheat, and soy.

Where can I find the most up-to-date food pyramid? has a really good picture of the food pyramid. Also, the food pyramid is updated every 5 or so years