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Answer to why Rogers attacke St FrancisAs to the question, "Why did Rogers led an expedition against ther St Frncis Indian mission?" First of all, you need to know the context in which the attack took place. For nearly 70 years prior to what was known as the Seven Year's War begining in 1754 (later was in knon as the French an Indian War) the French had insighted the Abnaki, Penacook and the Penobscot Indians of western Maine and what is now northern New Hampshire in a quest to push England into the Sea and gaining controle

of all North America. Within the realm of this mighty conflict the northern

frontier boarder settlements were extremely at risk and for the most part very unprotected. With lvery few British troops to protect them the local citizens most isolated frontier farmer were on ther own, And, the French knew it.

In 1724 an ill-fated expedition was sent up into Maine with hopes of

dealing the Abnakis a death blow at their fortress stronghold. Ignorence

of area was a setback. Despit this lack of knowledge they managed to burn down this dreaded Indian settlement Surprisingly, they found most of the Indians gone and were spared death Unfortunatly the expedition they would meet them on their return. The Indians lured them into a trap and ambushed them Most of the expedition were slain. But the Abnakis realized they too were vunerable and instead of rebuilding the settlement they withdrew deep into Canada and built at settlement on the St Francis river roughly half way between Quebec and Montreal. It was ideal near the St Lawrence river for travel an far enough away that any thoughts of another raid by the British or royal American militia would be seen as pure suicidal. From that vantage point, the French re-armed the Indians and

gave them Canadian leadership. Under command of 'Couier de bois or Voyaguers' who they forged raids down into northern New Englnd and laid waste to countless farms by burning, scalp and take captives at will and with absolute impunity.

As the French and Indian War began Rogers, a young captain at the time

had suggested in a letter in 1756 to Governor William Shirley that he be given opoertunity to lead a reprisal raid on St Francis village. But, Roges

request was denied saying it was far to risky - at least for right now.

It wasn't until September, 1759 when the French withdrew from lower

Lake Champlain and the British captured Crown Point did Roger receive

orders that made him beam. At dusk on, Sepember 13th 1759 he, with

and 240 Rangers under him had set off in 17 whaleboats and rowed ino te darkness and headed due north. Not until the next day, having encamped for the night at Button Mould Bay not far very what is now, Burington, Vermont when his men told of objective. Reading a loud the signed procimation from General Jeffery Amhurst, he told them the goal the audacous expedition. He concluded by saying, " For the murderous acts the blackhearted Indians of this hellhole who've made the settlement of New ngland suffer and endure for so long, we're headed for St. Francis and we will get our revenge."

I hope this answeres your question.

- Hank Nary

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