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centi means hundredths here -- a centi meter is one-hundredth of a meter;

there are 100 centimeters is a meter. Compare one cent which is one-hundredth of a dollar; 100 cents is a dollar.

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Q: Why was centimeter called a centimeter?
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A centimeter

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A 1.3 centimeter tumor is 1.3 centimeters, which can also be called 13 millimeters. This is a little over half an inch.

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a metric unit centimeter x centimeter x centimeter

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You cannot change square centimeter to centimeter. The square centimeter is a measure of area and the centimeter is a measure of distance.

What is 100th of a meter?

1 centimeter

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centimeter - unit of lengthsquare centimeter - unit of areacubic centimeter - unit of volume - equal to milliliter