Blaise Pascal along with Wilhelm Schickard was one of two inventors of the mechanical calculator in the early 17th century. Pascal designed the machine in 1642.
The Curta calculator was the first handheld calculator. It was invented during WW2 by a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp named Curta. The first model was intended as a gift for Hitler, but the war ended too soon Curta's were produced from about 1947 to 1976, when electronic handheld calculators killed Curta's market.
Well Pascal invented the syringe and the hydraulic press, Meet his wife in a bar and Died of Tuberculosis at the age of 39. He also invented the first calculator
He is credited along with Newton for the invention of Calculus as we know it today. He invented the Leibniz Wheel and invented a very early version of a calculator. He was also a philosopher and did research in symbolic logic.
who invented the first mechanical digital calculator
The first calculator is believed to have been invented in North Africa, however China invented the spoon and the compass.
The introduction of the 1st mechanical calculator was invented in Europe. This type of calculator production then spread world wide. The first ever was invented by Willhelm Schickard.
The first adding calculator machine was invented by Blaise Pascal.
The first calculator was invented in 1623.
Japan ;)
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The first modern-style electronic calculator was invented in the 1960s. The first counting device, an abacus, was invented in Egypt in about 2000 BCE. The mechanical calculator was developed in the 17th century.
calculator and human computers used them.
Pascal,a great French Scientist invented the calculator.
Blaise Pascal