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Q: How did Euclid create an impact on western civilization?
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How does Euclid impact us today?

Euclid was the father of Geometry and he acualy dicovered it and we use Geometry

What was Euclid's impact of work?

he was known as the greatest mathmetician

What was the impact of euclid work?

he was known as the greatest mathmetician

What enduring contributions to the arts and sciences did the ancient Greeks make?

Ancient Greeks made enduring contributions to various fields, such as philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), mathematics (Euclid, Pythagoras), theater (Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides), and science (Archimedes, Hippocrates). Their achievements in art, architecture, literature, and democracy have had a lasting impact on Western civilization.

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which civilization had an close impact on the egyptians

What country had the greatest impact on western civilization?

Well, I'm not really sure, so I highly expect that you should go on google and search it. Sorry!

Is it The cultural achievements of Greece during the 5th century BC laid the foundations of western civilization?

Yes, the cultural achievements of Greece during the 5th century BC, known as the Golden Age, were foundational for Western civilization. They included advancements in democracy, philosophy, art, architecture, and literature, which have had a lasting impact on the development of Western culture and society.

What early civilizations had the most influence on today's Eastern and Western societies?

In the East, ancient Chinese civilization, with its advancements in technology, philosophy, and governance, has had a significant impact on present-day Eastern societies. In the West, ancient Greek civilization, known for its contributions to philosophy, science, and democracy, has greatly influenced modern Western societies.

What impact did this civilization have on Nubia?

they had pride

What impact did civilization have on nubia?

they had pride