by eryn age 12
Is in Agus River on the island of Mindanao, Philippines
Edward's father's last name was Cummings. When his parents were married and he was born, he inherited the last name Cummings.
My parents came from Scotland in 1960 so I am guess there
His parents were ordinary people so no one knows the name of his parent's because he was born humble.Which means he was born poor like every other roman citizen.Except kings and queens of Rome.
Witherspoon is of Irish origin. You can find much more info on family tree websites and asking parents and grandparents.
Pietro Agnesi
Her name was Anna Brivio.
Anna Fortunato Brivio
See the blog post I linked below for an explanation of how to pronounce her name.
Maria Gaetana Agnesi's book was titled "Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana" ("Analytical Institutions for the Use of Italian Youth"). It was a mathematics textbook published in 1748.
Maria Agnessi's Witch curve received this name after translation of the Latin name 'versoria' which means a 'rope that turns a sail' to the English name Witch.
Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1719-1799) of Milan was a gifted scholar and linguist who was first published at the age of 9 with a Latin essay defending higher education for women. She was a well-published scientist by the age of 20 and was made an honorary member of the faculty at the University of Bologna with the consent of the pope at the age of thirty. She later retired to devote herself to her religious work. She is most famous for her curve Agnesi called versiera, or turning curve. We know this curve by the name the "witch of Agnesi" because a British mathematician, John Colson, translated the word versiera incorrectly.
your parents name you that because you are special and you have special talents
her dads name was Robert Warner Carson and her moms name was Maria Carson
Maria Tallchief's parents are named Alexander Jospeh Tall Chief (father), and Ruth Mary Porter Tall Chief (mother).
His dads name was Antonio and his moms was Maria Valli.
Leopold Mozart and Anna Maria - nee Pertl