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Q: What empire names existd before and there ruling place?
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What were some of the names of the barbarian tribes that invaded the Roman empire?

Franks, Goths, Visigoths, lombards and countless other germanic tribes

What is the Rhine the Rhone the Ebro the Po the Nile are modern rivers that once served the roman empire what were there roman names?

the rhine:gaulish renos the rhone:rhodanus and the po: boii

Why do lists of Roman Emperors have names and dates for emperors who ruled after the fall of Rome?

After Rome was sacked in 410 AD, the Roman Empire continued to exist. After Rome fell in 476, the Roman Empire continued to exist. It continued to exist, according to the Byzantines, until 1453, a date used by some historians as the end of the middle ages. During much of its history, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts, the Empire of the West, with a capital usually in Rome, and the Empire of the East, with a capital in Constantinople. What happened in 476, a date some historians use for the fall of the Roman Empire, was that the last emperor of the Empire of the West abdicated in favor of the emperor of the Empire of the East. This mean that in theory, at least, the empire was reunited. What really happened was that the Roman Empire of the West had been divided into kingdoms that mostly acknowledged the sovereignty of the Roman Empire, but were in fact not paying taxes or providing services. This had happened before 476, and the process continued. But people thought of themselves as being in the Roman Empire for a long time after that. When Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the West, the idea was that the Roman Empire of the West was getting a new emperor after not having one for 334 years. Charlemagne's empire, the Carolingian Empire, divided after his death. One large part became France, and the other became the Holy Roman Empire, which was called a Roman Empire because it regarded itself as a continuation of the Roman Empire. The legality and facts of that can be argued. But the continuation of the East Roman Empire cannot be dismissed so easily. The East Roman Empire, which we call the Byzantine Empire, but which called itself the Empire of the Roman People long after its people stopped using Latin for any purpose and only used Greek, went on for nearly 1000 years. The emperors who are listed as having dates after the fall of Rome are those who were emperors of the Roman Empire, in its capitol of Constantinople, which had been set up as a capital by Constantine the Great himself.

When and where was charlemagne crowned holy roman emeror?

Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Roman People on December 25, 800 AD, by Pope Leo III, in St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome. His empire, however, is not usually considered the same as the Holy Roman Empire. Today, the empire of which he was crowned is usually called the Carolingian Empire. In the past, historians sometimes equated the Holy Roman Empire with the Carolingian Empire. Today, they are less likely to do that, and most commonly the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire is counted as Otto I. According to this newer view, the Holy Roman Empire was not equal to the Carolingian Empire, but descended from it. I should point out that the facts of events are not being disputed, but rather what names should be used. Medieval people did not use the name Holy Roman Empire until long after both Charlemagne and Otto I were gone, and they never used the name Carolingian Empire at all.

Where does the name Stanley come from?

From Victorian times .Probably before that. There are many old towns in England with 'Stanley' in their names.

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One of the kings names is Romulus Augustus, he was Rome's last leader before Rome was taken over by barbarians.

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Well, there are three names for the same city (weird, but yeah...) Istanbul is the current name (and name during the Ottoman Empire) but during the time of the Byzantine Empire, it was Byzantium before it was changed to Constantinople. Hope that helps!!

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