82 years and 50 days or 49 days depending on if it was a leap year
1 hour = 3600 seconds 1 day = 86400 seconds 1 year = 31,536,000 seconds 82 days = 7,084,800
82 (years) x 365 (days per year) x 24 (hours per day) x 60 (minutes per hour) x 60 (seconds per minute) = 2585952000
82 years
The Victorians went on for 82 years
There are 365 days in a normal year; 366 days in what is known as a leap year. If you want to be really precise then there are 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds in a normal year. We make up the extra 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds by adding a whole day to the calender once every 4 years.
Normally 82 days, but if the 17th of March is in a leap year, then it is 83 days.
15 and 4/100 17 and 82/100
The longest duration for a paper airplanes to remain aloft indoor is around 82 seconds.
The Commonwealth Games have been going on for 82 years.*As of 2012
Th eobject traveled 82 meters in 42 seconds, so average speed is 82/42 = m/s = 1.95 m/s