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Q: What age difference makes a man too young for a woman?
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Do woman mind being called woman of a certain age I was having this debate with a mate he said no woman in their 50s are fine with it I said no it is an insulting phrase?

A young woman is consider to be just that from her teens but often called a woman. A young woman is considered 'a woman' when she starts her menstrual periods, but it is wisdom that makes her a true woman. No, it is not insulting to call a woman 'a woman of a certain age' but it is an insult if the woman of 50 or up is called an older to old woman or elderly woman.

Was Joan of Arc a woman?

Yes, she was a young woman, dying at the age of 19.

What is the going age for woman over 55 to cut lon haair and still be young looking?

This question makes absolutely no sense. So....stupid is as stupid does.

What should the age difference between a man and woman be in a relationship?

close in age

Can my son's mother-in-law refuse her daughter to be with him unless they marry by church?

If the young woman is of legal age, no. However, if she is dependent on her parents for her support she needs to consider her position carefully.If the young woman is of legal age, no. However, if she is dependent on her parents for her support she needs to consider her position carefully.If the young woman is of legal age, no. However, if she is dependent on her parents for her support she needs to consider her position carefully.If the young woman is of legal age, no. However, if she is dependent on her parents for her support she needs to consider her position carefully.

What is the difference between an old cactus and a young cactus?


What is the difference between Henry viii when he was old and when he was young?

His age.

Is he to young he's twenty three you are twenty nine?

No not at all. If you both like one another then you should be happy actually your age difference is in a great boundary - and it does not matter if the woman is older or if the man is.

A 26 years old guy dating a 19 year old woman... Do you think this is too young?

usually 5 years would be the max age difference but its really up to u

What makes a woman a woman and not a lady?

a woman is between tjhe ages of 30 and 40, a lady is 19 to 29 years of age

What does it mean when a middle age man tells a middle age woman young lady?

it just means he thinks of this person as omeone beneath him

Can there be a 10 year difference between a older Muslim woman and a younger Muslim man to be married?

yes there can be an age difference of 10 years between a younger man and older woman to get married. It is similar to the age difference between the Prophet Muhammed s.a.w and Hadrat Khadija r.a. So it is allowed.