I don't think it 'began' as such - algebra is an abstract concept. You may as well ask how did painting begin, or how did singing begin.
It started in Egypt. That's why the word algebra comes from Egypt.
Not necessarily.
Algebra, just like the name itself, comes from the arabic countries in the middle east
I think you need to understand algebra 2 before you begin trigonometry
how can yu make algebra equations easy for a twelve year old
The word 'Algebra' is Arabic in origin, as 'A; Jebr', and means 'The Union of broken parts. The roots of algebra can be tracted back to Babylon approximatelt 1700 BC. Modern algebra was first used in the 16th Century,
there is : Domain , discriminant,decimles...
-- bigger quantity -- bigger angle
algebra,trigonometry,geometry,(second year algebra, semester of trigonometry, a year of geometry)