If you were born in 1990 you will be 23 in 2013.
Pipoca was born on 1990-01-06.
If I was born in April 1990, I would be 31 years old.
Abigail Irozoru was born in 1990.
2013 - 1990 = 23 If you were born in 1990, you would be 23 in 2013.
Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990
it was born in 1990
She was born in 1990
Born Killer - 1990 was released on: USA: 10 April 1990 (video premiere) Portugal: 24 April 1990
Someone born in 1990 would be 23 on their birthday in 2013
You will be 23 years old in 2013. Anyone born in 1990 will turn 23 on their birthday in 1990.
If you are 20 years old, when were you born?If you are 20 years old, you were born in 1990.