The time its take for a ring of a telephone is normally about 4 seconds. So setting a phone to ring 3 times before going to voice mail would be about 12 seconds in time. This does not take into account for call connection time which ranges from 3 - 10 seconds in time.
Average Handling Time. It is The Average time to take One Call.
a long time
Along time!
Depending on the business it may be the time that the company handles each call, the information required to complete the call and possible follow up time. Each business is different and has different protocol.
to calculate your average handling time: average talk time+after callwork+hold time divided by the number of calls
a long long time
the average earthquake time for long beach depends on how the high or low the magnitude range is.
How long it takes a bell to ring 11 times depends on how long each ring is and the time in between the rings. For example, if the length of the ring is 10 seconds and there are 2 seconds between the rings, it would take less time than if the rings were 15 seconds with 3 seconds between rings.
How long you phone call will take to reach voice mail depends on your service provider and your phone, generally it will take 7-10 rings. If the phone is off, out of time, or out of a service zone it will usually ring once and go to voice mail.
, My cousin recently has unknown calls from a mysterious person,when they ring we have said many things each time they ring and they dont answer....They ring all the time everyday. If this happened to you just answer and leave your phone their phone's credit will run out! Thank you!
a long time but i dont know how long