The marathon is defined as 42.195 km.
It's 26 miles, 385 yards (42.195 kilometers).
A marathon's distance is 42.195 km which would be 42195meters.
3 races. 3,5, & 42.2 KM in Dubai marathon
The expert answer is incorrect! A half marathon is not 21,098 kilometres, It is 21.1 kilometres
it's a trick question. there is no such a thing as a "70 km marathon". a marathon is always approximately 42.2 km. anything more than that is called an ultra-marathon
a marathon is how far?
I would assume you mean Sudbury and Marathon in Canada if you want to know how many Kilometers. If that's the case it's 714 Km I would assume you mean Sudbury and Marathon in Canada if you want to know how many Kilometers. If that's the case it's 714 Km
~12% = 5 km / 42 km
Yes. The Marathon is second at 42.195 km and the 20 km walk is third.
26 miles = 41.8429km 26.2 miles = 42.16481km
42.195 meters
About 26.2 miles or 42.16 Km
26.2 miles or 42.2 km.