Bird baths are stone structures placed in backyards that are filled with water. Some can hold many liters of water whereas some can barely hold a liter.
200 to 500,
Bird baths are stone structures placed in backyards that are filled with water. Some can hold many liters of water whereas some can barely hold a liter.
Yes, a bathtub can hold 80 liters of water. The average bathtub is actually big enough to hold around 170 liters of water.
5 Liters sounds more logical than 5mL.
40 liters
40 Liters
9 Liters
An 1800cc pan can hold up to 1.8 liters of water. (divide cubic centimeters by 1,000 to get liters)
9,000,000 litres
Well 22,000 grams, and 250 liters.