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As any quarter-miler will tell you, a little less than once. (5280ft/mi)/(3ft/yd)=1760yd; (1760yd)/4=440yd= 1 quarter mile; 400yd<440yd.

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14y ago

12 laps plus an extra 160 meters at the end

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14y ago

12 laps around.
400m (4) x 3 miles= 12 laps!


12 1/2. 5000 meters = over 3.1 miles

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Q: How many times do you have to run around a quarter mile track to reach 400 yards?
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How many times must one run around the standard quarter-mile track to travel 1 kilometer?

Exactly 2.5 laps on a 400m track and 2.49 laps for a 440 yards track.

Would four times around a quarter mile track equal a mile?

4 quaters make a whole, so yes

How many times must a person run around the standard quarter-mile track to travel 1 kilometer?

2.5 times: 400 + 400 + 200 = 1000

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Four times. 1 mile = 1609 meters

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16 * 1/4 = 4 miles &#9632;

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If the track is a quarter mile long, 2 and a 1/2 miles

How many miles are around a running track?

Just over a quarter mile

1 mile equals?

5280 ft 1760 yd 4 times around a typical quarter mile track 1 minute when travelling 60 mph

If one lap around a running track is equivalent to a quarter mile then what is the distance in miles of one lap around the track in lane 7?

.270 of a mile.

What is a quarter of a track?

A normal track is about 800 meters, to find a quarter of a track simply divide by 4. 800 divided by 4 is 200. A quarter of a track is 200 meters. Hope I helped!

The high school track measures one quarter of a mile around. How many laps would you have to run in order to run three and a half miles?

14 times because 14 times 0.25 = 3.5 miles