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Money isn't so much the issue as is what is going to work best for your game. You could spend $2,000 on a Callaway set-up, or you could spend $200 on something from a knock off collection like Tour Design. You will, however, get what you pay for. I'd recommend first deciding where your game is at. If you are just starting, don't spend a fortune....find out if you're going to enjoy the game first. Rent clubs to play with from the pro shop, or keep your bill between $200-$300 if you insist on buying them. If you decide to press forward with the game, invest....don't just throw money around because it's a pro-line club. Ultimately, what you're looking for is a set of clubs that is going to feel right to YOU, and work best for YOU. Just because Tiger Woods is hitting Nike irons doesn't mean the same clubs are going to bring your game to his level. It's a game of feel, and there is no price tag that will make that little white ball go in the hole any sooner. Test all different brands, they all feel different in one way or the other (i.e. A blade is not going to be near as forgiving as a cavity back. So if you mishit a blade, every muscle you used for that shot is going to feel the miss). If you don't know enough about the feel for a club yet, talk with your local pro about the different clubs and the technology used in each of them, and have him work with you a club at a time. I highly recommend staying away from 11-piece sets and box sets when purchasing clubs. They don't all have to be Taylor Made clubs.....all the pros have mixed sets in their's a game of feel.

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19y ago
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11y ago

There are several different sets of Nickent Golf clubs available however the price for most is usually around $200.00 There are several stores which do stock the Nickent range therefore it would be best to compare prices before any impulse buys.

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11y ago

The average price of a set of men's golf clubs depends on the brand of the golf clubs and the number of golf clubs within the set. Taking this all into consideration, the average cost of a set of golf clubs is $700.

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