103 pounds per person, per month.
Tiffany Vasquez
Age 10
Grade 5
There are 2000 pounds in one ton. Therefore, 154000000 tons is equal to 154000000 x 2000 = 308000000000 pounds.
308000000000 pounds/250000000 people = 1232 pounds per year
1232 pounds per year/12 months = 102.666666 (103 pounds per person)
Before the cotton gin, 750,000 bales of cotton were produced annually.
Around 11-12 million cars are produced annually in the United States.
you poo
It's not have any fixed no.
i think 20
70 million American cars were produced in Mexico each year.
Approximately 500 billion PET bottles are produced worldwide annually.
driver inattention