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Extremely hard! When you try to squeeze it there is barely any give in it.

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14y ago
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13y ago

I didn't even think that they were made of rubber......lolz

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11y ago

rubber and plastic. some where often made of wood back then

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Q: What are rubber balls made of?
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How are lacrosse balls made?

Lacrosse balls are made out of rubber.

By are balls bouncy?

Because rubber is bouncy!!!! and bouncy balls are made out of rubber.

Are beach balls made out of rubber?

No, beach balls are made out of plastic.

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What are bounces balls made of?


Why balls bounce why not dogs?

Because balls are made of rubber, and dogs are not.

What are racquetball balls made of?

Balls are typically made of rubber compounds and they are blue or green in color.

What are some balls made of?

some balls are made of paper, boy skin,rubber and metal

What is the rubber called that bouncy balls are made of?

Bouncy balls are typically made of rubber or a similar material called synthetic rubber, such as polybutadiene or polyisoprene. These materials are chosen for their elasticity and ability to bounce.

What chemicals are rubber balls made of?

I have no Idea!!!LOL!!

What are rhythmic gymnastics balls made out of?

Usually rubber