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Q: What ball represent the moon. The beach ball or basketball or golf ball?
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Which ball bounces the highest out of a golf ball and basketball?

A golf ball would bounce higher than a basket ball.

Why do people us a soccer ball for soccer?

Just the reason they use a basketball in basketball or a golf ball in Golf. To give uniformity to the game.

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Will dribbling with a golf ball everyday like a basketball improve your point guard skills?

Not much, if at all. Dribbling with a golf ball requires different hand movements and grips than if you were dribbling a basketball. Dribbling a basketball everyday or a soccer ball would work, but not so much a golf ball.

What bounces higher golf ball or soccer ball?

a normail bouncy ball, maybe a basketball

What is the size of the eye of the giant squid?

it round about the size of a beach ball! its round about the size of a beach ball!!!!!!!! its almost of about golf ball

What bounces higher a golf ball or basketball?

If you were bouncing them both, a basketball would bounce higher.

Which ball bounces the highest tennis basketball or golf ball?

golf balls because there heavier in weight adnd because there smaller in size

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foot ball,basketball,hockey, golf

If Earth is the size of a golf ball how large would Jupiter be?

the size of a basketball

Is this an opinion or fact Basketball is more interesting to watch than golf?

Yes definitely, you get to maneuver the ball at your pace and use your own strategies. I would definitely recommend Basketball over Golf. Llama

Do You need the Sam amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you need to throw a golf ball 3 meters?

No you do not need the same amount of force to throw a basketball 3 meters as you would need to throw a golf ball 3 meters. The amount of force required to throw a basketball 3 meters depends on several factors: The weight of the ball: Basketballs are much heavier than golf balls. The size of the ball: Basketballs are much larger than golf balls. The amount of air resistance: Basketballs are much more aerodynamic than golf balls.Therefore you would need to generate more force to throw a basketball 3 meters than you would to throw a golf ball 3 meters.