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The word is first known in English from the 15th century from Scots. Although the etymology is uncertain, the most likely origin is thought to be from the Middle Dutch colf ("'club'").

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Q: Where did the word golf come from?
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What is another word a great caddie in golf?

Another name for a golf caddie is looper. It is come from making a loop around the golf course. This term can be heard in the movie Caddyshack.

What is the Greek word for golf?

There is no Greek word for golf. We use the word ''golf'' or in Greek letters ''Γκόλφ''.

What is the spanish word for golf?

golf = el golf

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What is the opposite of golf?

The word "golf" has no opposite.

What part of speech is the word golfing?

Golf is a noun, but to golf is a verb.

What does the word golf translate to in French?

Its golf but you pronounce it differently.

Is the word pitcher associated to golf?

No it does not associate with golf it never has.

How do you say golf Spanish?

In Spanish they use the word 'golf'

Why do they call golf golf?

It originated from the old Dutch word "kolf" which meant club. The word was talked about around the Scottish by a few Dutchmen and the Scottish dialect turned the word into golf.

Does golf has 2 symbols?

yes the word golf has two symbols

What is the definition of the word golf?

Golf is the name of a sport. It has no other meaning.