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These are called conductors. Some examples are copper, silver, aluminum, and other metals.

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5mo ago

A material that allows energy to flow through it is called a conductor. Conductors typically have loosely bound electrons that can easily move in response to an external electric field, facilitating the flow of energy (electricity) through the material. Some examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

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What is the scientific name for a material that does not let electricity through?

An insulating material, also known as a dielectric, is a material that does not allow the flow of electricity through it due to its high resistance to electrical current.

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A DFD (Data Flow Diagram) model is used to show the flow of data within a system. To use it, you start by identifying the external entities interacting with the system, then define the processes that transform the data, and finally show the data stores where information is stored. This helps in understanding how data moves through the system and can be used for system analysis, design, and documentation.

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What do you call the material that lets heat pass through?

The material that allows heat to pass through is called a conductor. Conductors have high thermal conductivity, which means they enable the flow of heat energy. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

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The material you are referring to is called an insulator. Insulators have low thermal conductivity, meaning they do not allow heat to flow easily through them. Examples of insulators include rubber, glass, and wood.

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An insulating material, also known as a dielectric, is a material that does not allow the flow of electricity through it due to its high resistance to electrical current.

What p is a type of material that lets heat flow through it easily?

The material you are referring to is called a conductor. Conductors allow heat to flow through them easily due to their high thermal conductivity. Metals like copper and aluminum are common examples of good conductors of heat.

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Simply put an conductor is a material that lets free electrons flow through it. When free electrons are flowing that is called current. So an electrical conductor will have current pass through. Non-conductive material will not allow these electrons to flow and no electricity can be passed through. Good conductors have almost no resistance to electron flow.

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What is a material that lets electricity pass through it?

copper :)