To properly wire a 50 amp RV plug for your recreational vehicle, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions and use a dedicated 50 amp RV outlet. Make sure to connect the wires correctly, with the black wire to the hot terminal, the white wire to the neutral terminal, and the green wire to the ground terminal. It's important to ensure the connections are secure and the wiring is done safely to prevent any electrical hazards.
To properly wire a 30amp RV plug for your recreational vehicle, you will need to connect the black wire to the brass terminal, the white wire to the silver terminal, and the green wire to the green terminal. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the appropriate tools to ensure a safe and secure connection.
If the tires are properly balanced plug tires should not cause a vibration.
Depends on what type of vehicle it is. Vehicle dealer should be able to help.
laying under the vehicle ,on the side of the rear housing pointing towards the passengerside of vehicle you should see a plug ,a 3/8 extension should fit that plug, unscrew it, if it is full it should seep out after plug is removed or should just be inside hole when touched by finger. if more needs to be added ,add only til it spills out and replace plug
The spark plug gap for a Chulan Starway 50cc moped should be set at .4mm. The best plug for this vehicle would be an Iridium plug.
The spark plug gap for a 1984 Toyota Corolla should be set at .044 inches. The best spark plug for this vehicle is an Iridium plug.
It just won't run properly ,hard start. I don't think it should damage anything . As long as the plug is the right plug gust remove the plug and replace it with a new one and gap it properly. That should fix it.
A 1999 Suzuki King Quad 300 should have a spark plug gap of .028 inches. A spark plug for this vehicle should cost about $2.20.
The spark plug gap for a 2003 Buick LeSabre should be set at .060 inches. The best spark plug for this vehicle would be an Iridium plug.
If the vehicle is not to old, the dealer should be able to help you with those parts.
The spark plug gap should be set to the manufacturers spec, regardless of vehicle.
Newer vehicle with electronic ignition probably 100,000 miles