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To make a circle using a compass and a ruler, first place the compass point on the paper where you want the center of the circle to be. Adjust the compass width to the desired radius of the circle. Keeping the compass width the same, draw a complete circle by rotating the compass around the center point. Use a ruler to ensure the circle is drawn accurately and smoothly.

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Q: How to make a circle using a compass and a ruler?
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There is a hole in the ruler (i.e.) circle just make the circle using that

How do you make a 110 degree angle using a ruler and a compass?

use trisection method

How do you make a twenty degree angle using a ruler and a compass?

It is possible to construct a 20 degree angle using only Ruler and Compass. I happened to stumble across a method that is highly accurate. It is posted on my blog. Check the related link

How do you draw a hexagonal?

To draw a perfect hexagon, take a compass (the drawing kind, not the navigating kind) and draw a circle. Next, take the point of the compass an place it at any point on the circle you've just drawn. Swing the pencil end of the compass until it intersects the circle and draw a mark that crosses the line of the circle. Without lifting the point from the paper/circle, swing the compass around and make a second mark, on the other side. Now, lift the compass and place the point at one of the hatch marks you just made and make another hatch mark along the circle. Continue doing this, using your new intersecting hatch mark to place the point of the compass each time, until your circle has six marks, equally spaced from one another. Then, take a ruler and connect every point to the points adjacent to it. And there you have it, a perfect hexagon.

What device is used to make a perfect circle?

A compass is used to make a perfect circle.

How do you construct a hexagon?

with a compass scribe a circle. then with the compass still set to the same radius place the pin of the compass on the circle and make a mark on the circle. lift the compass, place the pin on the mark and repeat around the circle. the geometry of the circle allows for a hexagon to be generated this way.

What Tool is used to make circle?

A compass

How do you make a circle with a compass?

If your unable to figure out how to work a compass its probably best not to use it.

How do you make a 70 degree angle with a ruler and a compass?

pad khaoo !!

How do you make zero degree angle with protector or compass?

Use a ruler

Is it possible to construct a regular hexagon using only a straight edge and a compass?

Yes. The related link shows the procedure with pictures. Basically, draw a circle with the compass, then without changing the compass, put the point somewhere on the circle and make a small mark which intersects the circle. Now put the point at this intersection, and make another mark with the circle. Keep going until you have 6 marks, then take your straight edge and connect the marks.

What is the a compass in math?

In math a compass is an object used to draw accurate circles and arcs (parts of circles, or curves). In math, a compass is something that makes a circle and it also measures circumference. How to make a circle: A compass either has led in it or you stick a pencil in it, but it depends on what kind of compass it is. If you want to make a big circle, you expand the 2 sides. when you get it to the size you want, you stick it on paper and twirl it around. It may not be a perfect circle but it most likely will be close.