The Social Well Being in the Country Life expectancy at birth and Infant Mortality Rate for the Philippinesand several other countries. CountriesLife expectancyInfant mortalityCountry199820002000 - 2005The Philippines697029,0Malaysia727310,3Indonesia656739,5Singapore7778 4,6Thailand727120,8China707136,5Vietnam686933,5Iraq--6563,5Afghanistan4643161,3Egypt--6840,5France7879 5,0The Netherlands7878 4,5United Kingdom7778 5,4USA7778 6,8The World--6654,5Life expectancy at birth and The literacy of the Philippines In 1994 about 85 % of all the inhabitants in the age of 10 - 64 years were able to read and write. In the urban areas this percentage was the highest: 89 %. In the rural areas almost 82 percent of the persons in the age of 10 - 64 could write and read simple texts.
i love god
The 10 leading causes of morbidity in Davao City are likely similar to trends seen across the Philippines, which include illnesses like pneumonia, cardiovascular diseases, dengue fever, diarrhea diseases, and hypertension. These conditions often top morbidity rates due to factors like lifestyle, environment, and access to healthcare services. Regular monitoring and public health interventions are important to address these health issues in Davao City.
the ten leading causes of mortality in the Philippines year 2008
Main causes Maternal morbidity are hemorrhage, infection, preeclampsia/eclampsia, unsafe abortion, gestational diabetes mellitus and obstructed labor. Some times preexisting medical problems, shock and ectopic pregnancy may be one of the causes too.
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According to the World Health Organization, the top 10 leading causes of morbidity include hypertensive heart disease, lung cancer, ischemic heart disease, road injury, diabetes, and respiratory infections. It also includes diarrheal diseases, HIV, COPD, and stroke.
The ten leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the Cordillera Region include cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia, cancer, accident, and peptic ulcer. It also includes TB, influenza, bronchitis, acute respiratory infection, and diarrhea.
According to the Department of Health of the Philippines, the top ten leading causes of morbidity in the country in 2005 and 2006 were: * acute lower respiratory tract infection and pneumonia * diarrhea * bronchitis and bronchiolitis * hypertension * influenza * TB respiratory * diseases of the heart * acute febrile illness * malaria * dengue fever.
For stage 0 disease (5-10% of the cases), the five-year survival is 99%.
Death may occur in 1-2% of patients undergoing hemispherectomy. Serious but treatable complications may occur in 10-20% of patients
Top 10 LEADING CAUSES OF Morbidity and Mortality for the year 2007: MORBIDITY 1. Diarrheas 2. Bronchitis 3. Pneumonias 4. Influenza 5. Hypertension 6. TB respiratory 7. Diseases of the heart 8. Malaria 9. Measles 10. Chicken pox MORTALITY 1. Diseases of the heart 2. Pneumonias 3. Accidents 4. Benign cancer 5. Pulmonary tuberculosis (all forms) 6. Renal Failure 7. Diabetes mellitus 8. Asthma 9. Peptic ulcer 10. Liver-serosis