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they shake with their lefy hands and they kiss their cheeks

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Q: Why do Muslim men shake hands?
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Why Muslims shake hands?

They do shake hands. However, Muslim men don't shake the hands of a woman they are not related to.

Why Muslims don't shake hands?

They do shake hands. However, Muslim men don't shake the hands of a woman they are not related to.

Can American men shake hands with Muslim women?

It is best to let a Mulim make the first move. They are different sects within Islam, so in order to give no offense to any, just let any Muslim make the overtures in greeting, and just follow along.

Is shaking hands with women acceptable in Indonesia?

If it's women in general, then the answer would be yes. But there are some Muslim women who would prefer not to shake hands. They will put both of their palms together, place them in front of their chest and give a small nod. It's the same as shaking hands. Muslim women only do this if they want to 'shake hands' with men though, especially if they are not muhrim.

In what country is it rude to shake right hands?

There does not seem to be a country that claims it is rude to shake right hands. Many countries agree that it is rude to shake left hands including most Muslim countries.

Why do girls and women shake hands with men?


Why do men roll or shake salted nuts in their hands?

Men roll and shake salted nuts in their hands to rub some of the salt off. This is their way of being cool while still eating nuts the way that they'd like them.

Why do we shake hands in your country?

In Western countries two people shake hands as welcoming each other (generally men do this) or to seal a deal and is suppose to represent an honest and trustworthy end to a deal.

What is the past tense of shake hands?

"shook hands" is the past tense of "shake hands".

When was Shake Hands with Beef created?

Shake Hands with Beef was created in 1997.

When was Shake Hands with Danger created?

Shake Hands with Danger was created in 2003.

When was Muslim Hands created?

Muslim Hands was created in 1993.