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Because a poet can make people and places come alive at times like nobody else can.

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Q: How does poetry help people make sense of the world around them?
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What does terra mean the word?

"Land" or "earth" in the sense of "soil" or "place". World would be "mundus", although "terra" can mean something like "world" in poetry.

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they use their antennae

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Cockroaches sense the world around them by using their cerci. The cerci is able to feel changes in air currents and movements in the environment. Plus, they also rely on their sense of smell found in their antennae to help them move around.

What is an example of organic poetry?

Organic poetry is a type of poetry that seeks to connect with nature and living organisms on a deep level. An example of organic poetry could be a poem that explores the beauty of a flower blooming or the cycles of nature in a forest. The poetry often uses vivid imagery and sensory language to evoke a sense of connection with the natural world.

What are the major characteristic of Tagore's poetry?

Tagore's poetry is known for its lyricism, spiritual depth, and universal themes of love, nature, and the human experience. His works often reflect a profound connection to nature, a sense of freedom and transcendence, and a deep exploration of the beauty and complexities of life. With a blend of traditional Indian influences and modernist sensibilities, Tagore's poetry embodies a unique and timeless perspective that continues to inspire readers around the world.

Which region of the grasshopper's body is specialized for sensing the world around it?

the antenna, and thesimploe eye both sense the world around them.

Which sense do you use most often?

Sight is the sense that most people rely on the most in their daily interactions and activities. This is because we use our eyes to perceive the world around us and gather information.

What is the three letter word for always in poetry?

Aye can mean always: 'Round the world for ever and aye' E'er can be short for ever, but not often in the sense of always.

What is a catalog in reference to epic poetry?

In epic poetry, a catalog refers to a long list of people, places, or objects that serves to enhance the epic's descriptive and narrative elements. It is commonly used to paint a vivid picture of the world in which the epic takes place and to provide additional context for the story being told. Catalogs can help enrich the epic's world-building and convey a sense of grandeur and scale.

What did Nye like about poetry even as a child?

As a child, Nye enjoyed poetry because it allowed her to express her thoughts and feelings in a creative way. She found poetry to be a powerful tool for connecting with others and exploring the world around her.

Do real people all around the world really be on club penguin?

This question doesn't make sense but I might be able to answer it in a way you might not be thinking about. Yes is the answer