Most commercial hive bodies (boxes) are made to accomodate 10 frames of combs. These frames are easily removable. We use 9 frames most of the time to allow a little easier access for removing the frames of combs. Each frame is one comb. A frame of combs is simply a wooden frame with ears on the top portion that allow it to hang in the hive body like a file folder. The inside portion of the frame contains foundation or combs that the bees use for brood rearing or storage of honey.
Hexagon, the honey combs have 6 sides.
The word 'combs' has one syllable.
Because it looks like a beehive....
one comb - grzebień many combs - grzebienie
If honey bees are living in the wild in a colony, they leave enough space between the combs that they build to allow free passage through the combs. If they live in a hive supplied by a beekeeper, enough 'bee space' is allowed in the manufacture of frames to allow the bees to move freely within the hive.
The cells of a beehive are hexagonal and have 6 sides and 6 corners.
A beehive is either or!
The cells in a beehive are six-sided.
cecelia tominiko
3 settings
The noun 'beehive' is used as a collective noun in the term 'a beehive of activity'.
The Beehive is actually the Home of the New Zealand Parliament. It is named the beehive as it resembles one.