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drop in blood pressure and pulselessness w/subsequent cardiac arrest and respiratory failure and multisystem organ failure if resuscitation is not instituted drop in blood pressure and pulselessness w/subsequent cardiac arrest and respiratory failure and multisystem organ failure if resuscitation is not instituted drop in blood pressure and pulselessness w/subsequent cardiac arrest and respiratory failure and multisystem organ failure if resuscitation is not instituted drop in blood pressure and pulselessness w/subsequent cardiac arrest and respiratory failure and multisystem organ failure if resuscitation is not instituted drop in blood pressure and pulselessness w/subsequent cardiac arrest and respiratory failure and multisystem organ failure if resuscitation is not instituted

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Q: What is the result of the heartbeat approaching zero?
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Yes, zero divided by ten does equal zero. When zero is divided by any number, the result is zero.

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The answer is neither. You cannot divide by zero at all. The result of zero divided by zero, as with any other division by zero, is undefined.