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Yes. We don't always notice the use of math, in the jobs we do, but all jobs involve the use of math in one form or another. We teach Math in school because in our modern world we do need to know some Math. However some careers need less difficult Math then others.

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15y ago

Every career will use math even in the most simplest form such as 2+2.

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Why is math important in every day life?

You need use fractions, addition, multiplacation, and divison for everyday use

What does math have to do with an acting career?

Not much. In any case, you won't need advanced math (like trigonometry, algebra, calculus, logarithms...) which you only use in science and engineering careers.

What is the deal with math?

We use math in our everyday lives even when were just counting fruit we have math so when u get a job you might need to know how to do math. We use math everyday but you may not realize it!!!! If we didn't have math we would be no where on this world we use it every single day in our lives!

What type of careers can use math?

Any career that is not just tedious repetitive tasks will inevitably require the use of math.

Do ophthalmologists use math?

Yes, every job needs math.

Careers that use math?

I don't think you could find a career that doesn't .

Why you need to give importance in math?

Math is used in most every line of work. Being a musician, I use math all the time - note values, time signatures, etc. Hard to think of any occupation that doesn't use math in one form or another.

What type of engineers use math and how?

All engineering specialties use math, in virtually every way imaginable.

What can you use math in?

EVERYTHING!!! you're whole life, i guarantee you'll use math EVERY DAY dude.

What do you use math for?

Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.