4/4+4*4=20 is it correct by any means or not ? No this garbage has got nothing to do with negative phase sequence current in 3 phase electrical systems.
How Negative phase sequence relay work
Negative sequence current is defined as 3I2 = (phase 1)*(1angle 0) + (phase 2)*(1angle 240) + (phase 3)*(1angle 120) Negative sequence current is seen in three phase power systems due to natural system imbalance. Also during unbalanced fault conditions such as line to line, Line to ground, and line to line to ground faults. It is not seen in purely balanced three phase faults.
Negative Phase Sequence is Phenomena generally found in motors,the formula for positive phase sequence is : Ip= Ir + a * Iy + a^2*Ibthe formula for negative phase sequence is : In= Ir + a ^2* Iy + a*IbAs the name suggest the sequence of current or the mmf is in reverse order, a reverse order current in stator will produce a reverse order mmf, now this reverse order mmf is rotating in direction opposite to the rotor of the motor, thus the mmf cut is very high and so current induced in stator is considerably high; as for normal mmf it is in direction of rotor so mmf cut is very small thus current induced is very small.this high current in your rotor leads to overheating of your motor and finally burning of your windings.CommentNegative phase sequence is not 'generally found in motors'. But one of the effects of negative phase sequence would be to cause a three-phase motor to reverse direction.
The order in which the voltage of the coil reaches to the maximum value is called the Phase Sequence.POSITIVE PHASE SEQUENCE: If the coil is rotated in anticlockwise direction, the phase sequence will be Positive Phase Sequence, i.e., R-Y-B or A-B-C.NEGATIVE PHASE SEQUENCE: If the coil is rotated in clockwise direction, the phase sequence is called Negative Phase Sequence, i.e., R-B-Y or A-C-B.NOTE: Phase Sequence is of great importance in parallel operation of three phase transformers and alternators.
please see details in this site http://electricalandelectronics.org/2009/03/17/negative-phase-sequence-relay/
If you reinstall a three-phase motor with two of the supply conductors interchanged, then the resulting negative phase sequence will cause the motor to run in reverse.
A negative sequence relay is looking at unbalanced current, such as what would result from a line to line or line to ground fault. I'm not sure what you're meaning by "mechanism". Please explain if the above doesn't answer your question.
In indicator there is a led light source. It gives us the presence of the current source by indicate its light. If the phase of the indicator is not equal to the supply voltage then it can not give us the presence of current source by its led light off. If the phase of indicator is equal with the mane supply phase then its remaining bright and continuous gives us the indication of current source.ANSWER'Phase sequence' is the order, or sequence, in which each of the line voltages of a three-phase system reach their peak values. If 'normal' phase sequence is considered to be A-B-C (or R-S-T, etc.), then 'reverse phase sequence' would be A-C-B. Phase sequence is very important if, for example, you want to ensure that your three-phase motors rotate in the correct direction. So, after disconnecting them for maintenance, you can confirm the phase sequence of your incoming conductors by using a phase-sequence meter, before you reconnect that motor.
Zero sequence is part of symmetrical components; it's a way of looking at three phase power that simplifies the math involved. In general zero sequence current is synonymous with ground fault current.
Add them upAnswerThere is no 'total' current in a three-phase system. The current flowing in each line (not 'phase') is considered separately. And you most definitely don't 'add them up'!
at first what is zero sequence current.. Zero sequence currents, in simple terms, are those found in the neutral conductor. They include the unbalanced 50 Hz currents and the 3rd, 9th, 15th and other triplen harmonic currents. Zero sequence currents appear in the neutral because they do not cancel in the way that 50Hz currents cancel. This is due to the fact that the zero sequence component on one phase is always in phase with the zero sequence components of the other 2 phases. we can say 50 Hz current on one phase, on the other hand, is always 120° out of phase with the other phases 50 Hz current which causes their balanced portions to cancel in the neutral. now, any method of ground current sensing involves detecting zero sequence currents. For solidly grounded systems, connecting the phase current transformers together with a common return allows measurement of zero sequence current in the common lead, if there is no neutral load current. The vector sum of the phase currents is equal to the zero sequence ground current. Under normal load conditions, the vector sum of the three phase currents is near zero. It is not exactly zero as the system capacitive charging current of the load circuit is non-zero. but it is limited value..if it is beyond the limit this zero sequence CT take care of it. All phase conductors are passed through the window of a single CT referred to as a zero sequence CT. Under normal circumstances, the three phase currents will sum to zero resulting in an output of zero from the zero sequence CT's secondary. If one of the phases were shorted to ground, the sum of the phase currents would no longer equal zero causing a current to flow in the secondary of the zero sequence CT. This current would be detected by the relay as a ground fault. Regards, Balaji K APL, Ahmedabad
You will need to determine the power per phase, and add them up to give the total power of the three-phase load. To do this, you will need to multiply the phase-voltage by the phase current by the power factor -for each phase.