Because when adding or subtracting fractions the denominators must have the same values
It will help when you are trying to add and subtract fractions.
The least common denominator is the least common multiple of the denominators of the fractions.
In fractions, the denominator is the bottom number. When adding or subtracting fractions, it is helpful if all the denominators are the same. To do this, we look for common denominators, which is the same process as finding the least common multiple.
It is a method of finding the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of 2 or more numbers. Suitably used for finding the least common denominator when adding/subtracting fractions.
When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators the lowest common denominator is needed and is found by finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators.
There doesn't appear to be any fractions there but to find the LCD of fractions is done in the same way as finding the lowest common multiple of numbers.
the common denominator!
least common denominator
When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators, the first step is to find a common denominator. This involves finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators. Once you have a common denominator, you can then add or subtract the numerators of the fractions accordingly.
The least common multiple of 6 and 9 is 18.
Finding the GCF will help in simplifying fractions. Finding the LCM will help in adding and subtracting fractions.
The least common denominator, or LCD