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it is used when you have to pay

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Q: How is math used in shopping?
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Related questions

How is shopping related to math?

It is related because shopping includes prices and taxes. an example of howshopping is related to math is: 1.99+7.55=9.54.

How maths used in day to day life?

Math is most definitely used in everyday life. Math is used in cooking when following or doubling recipes, in shopping and working within a budget, or even balancing a check book.

When will you use math in real life?

Math is used EVERYWHERE. When you get a job, when your out grocery shopping and want the best deal, when paying bills, cutting carpet for your living room... the list goes on.

How is math used in everday life?

You may need it if you work in a shop or if your out shopping you may want to find the price say if you need to find how much 20% off of $70 is if you now math well you can work it out (:

What is a good theme for a math story?

Make up a story that your shopping

What is the sentence for but?

I loved math, but I hated studying for math tests. I wanted to go shopping, but my husband wanted to stay home.

When you are shopping do you use any math materials?

I don't acually bring my math materials, but i use my common sense on design ,price and that stuff.

How is math used in math?

math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it

What is the plasatic that is used for shopping bags?

the plastic used for shopping bags is called polyethylene.

What are shopping baskets usually used for?

"Shopping baskets are normally used to shop for a relatively small number of items in a grocery, big box or department store. Shopping baskets can be carried by the shopper as opposed to shopping carts and other larger containers which are used when shopping for more items."

What is the antonym for shopping?

Shopping is a noun which is defined as buying. An antonym which can be used to mean the opposite of shopping is saving.

What did math used to be called?

Math used to be called Arithmetic.