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$400 a second, not sure about the others.

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Q: How much does Steve Jobs make per year month week day hour minute and second?
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Related questions

When was The Second Coming of Steve Jobs created?

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs was created in 2001.

What is the ISBN of The Second Coming of Steve Jobs?

The ISBN of The Second Coming of Steve Jobs is 978-0767904339.

How many pages does The Second Coming of Steve Jobs have?

The Second Coming of Steve Jobs has 352 pages.

How much does Steve Jobs make a month?

Steve Jobs only took 1 dollar per year when working for apple

What did Steve Jobs work on together?

Steve Jobs is singular. "together" denotes plural. You have no second person mentioned in your question.

How much did Steve Jobs used to make?

500k dollars a month

In what year and month was the first Apple Computer released by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak?

July 1, 1976.

Did Steve Jobs work for Atari?

As a young adult, Jobs worked for Atari in a very temporary position. Despite it being short-lived, Jobs loved every minute of it.

Was Steve Jobs gay?

No, Steve Jobs was not gay. Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple.

What year did Steve jobs return to apple?

Steve returned in 1996 after NeXT was bought by Apple.

Who is co-founder of apple?

Apple was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Is Steve jobs real name Steve jobs?

Steven Paul Jobs.