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Speak slowly and clearly.

Do not get tensed while speaking.This may lead to your speech being incoherent.

If any question is being asked,do not panic and try to answer it to your best knowledge.

If the answer is not known to you then just tell them frankly that you don't know the answer.

If you know the answer make sure that you sound very positive and confident.After all,the interviewers are listening to your voice.They haven't seen you in person.So make sure that you SOUND very confident in answering and don't tell them the same points over and over again.

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17y ago
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9y ago

Anticipating the job interview questions is one of the best ways to get ready for an interview. Getting ready for an interview requires homework, but the hours of prep time will be worth it. Your answers for any interview questions are taken into consideration by the interviewer.

Therefore, it is very important to be completely ready, and know what to say when you attend an interview.

In addition, whatever the post may be, or whatever the job position may be, you should clearly know what not to say in an interview.

I would like to add some additional information. I have been in many interviews, from fast food to project management, blue jeans and a shirt to suit and tie.

1. Research the company before the interview. Know who they are, what they do, their products, and learn as much as possible. This does not mean you must learn their stock portfolio, financial statements, or every detail about their business, but know SOMETHING. If the only answer is "I really don't know", that looks very bad.

2. Dress the best you can unless specifically told how to dress. This does not matter if you are interviewing for a fast food job or a corporate job. Slacks, shirt, blouse, button down shirt, or suit. Never be sloppy. You are being judged. Some interviewers don't care, but most do. Many years ago I worked at a Pizza place and we had dozens of people coming in for interviews. One person came in wearing nice slacks, button down shirt, and tie. He was immediately hired because of his appearance. If you are unable to afford dress clothes, go to second hand stores. I'm emphasizing this for a reason. How you dress and your attitude can kill an interview.

3. Be pleasant. Never rude or condescending. Even if the interviewer rude and arrogant. Be friendly, smile, leave your personal problems at the door, and make this the best interview you ever had. I have seen people hired strictly because of having a great attitude.

4. Be clean, showered, shaved, use deodorant, smell good, wear clean and fresh clothes. Did you wear any of the clothes yesterday? Don't wear it to the interview.

5. Be prepared with at least 5 questions about the company, but the more the better. Write them down. Make that 10. Examples include: "Describe the ideal fit for this position?" "How much training is provided?" "What challenges is the company experiencing that is may be having difficulty meeting?" "How kind of growth is available for the person hired?" "What work related issues keep you awake at night?"

6. Ask, in a polite and easy tone, how your skills fit with what is being looked for.

7. Sit upright, feet on floor, arms folded (not crossed), or on arms of chair.

8. Ask only questions relevant to the company or job. Do not discuss anything outside work unless it can be related. In other words, if the question is about accounting, and perhaps do you accounting work for your church and help your friends, then mention it. This is all relevant experience. Don't discuss your sick dog, broken Plumbing, or kids failing history class.

9. Give short but detailed answers for all questions. 1-2 minutes is fine. If you have more information, tell the interviewer you can give more details if required. Never write a book.

10. Be at least 15 minutes early. If you are unsure where the place is, go find it a day in advance. Some places are inside large complexes and are hard to find. Never be even 1 minute late.

11. Shake hands, introduce yourself, and use either sir or maam, or first names. Limp handshakes are horrible, but don't crush their hand either.

12. Turn your cell phone off or leave it in your car. Do not check it during the interview. That gives the impression you are not interested and have other things to do.

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12y ago

For a man -a 2 peice suit in navy or another dark color -a tie Ina simple pattern that matches the colors of your suit -button down drew shirt (white or pastel) -POLISHED dress shoes in a dark color -no earrings! If u normally wear 1, take it out -get a haircut. Short hair always fares best -clean trimmed fingernails (no biting, they can tell!!!) -minimal cologne -light briefcase or portfolio cas For a woman -a neutral colored suit in navy or another dark color with a skirt -skirt length should be a little below the knee and never shorter than above the knee -blouses should be cotton or silk (white or pastel color) -pantyhose should be flawless (no runs) and conservative in color. (you may want to bring an extra pair with you -basic pumps with 1"-2" heel (no strappy sandals or platforms!) -simple accessories. No visible body piercing (nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc.) -make up should be minimal and in conservative tones -minimal cologne or perfume -light briefcase or portfolio case

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11y ago

Be smart formal and confident in yourself, wear suitable clothing and give good body language when being interviewed. The colour dark purple represents intelligence and formality, hope this helps! good luck

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17y ago

One should behave calmly but needs to speak with a voice that the reporter can here. Do not sow your fear.

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13y ago

Do research about the job and company you interview for. Have self esteem and confidence.

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10y ago

Confidence. positive and professional.

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