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Affect is a verb. Effect is what a cause does. Training is a cause, therefor the effect is losing weight. And you are affecting your health positively.

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11y ago

it is training effect. :)

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Q: Is it training affect or training effect?
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How does weight training affect your heart rate?

Unless you do circuit training, weight training has little direct affect on the heart rate. Weight training is anaerobic exercise. It is aerobic exercise like walking or running that has a direct affect on the heart rate because it strengthens the heart. Weight training does not.

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Medical history can have a huge effect on exercise and training fitness can be inherited training can only be done to the level passed through the generations.

What is the homophone for effect?

affect. the word affect is a verb and effect is a noun. effect means produces a result or a consequence, while affect means to act on, or to move on feeling of.

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By changing affect to effect. Affect is a verb; effect is a noun.

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Affect !

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The homophone for affect is "effect." "Affect" is usually used as a verb to indicate influence or make a change, while "effect" is commonly used as a noun to signify a result or outcome.

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Do you use effect or affect in the sentence you have absolutely no affect on me?

The correct word to use in that sentence is "effect." "Effect" is a noun that refers to the result or outcome of something, while "affect" is a verb that means to influence or have an impact on something.

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Effect i think.....