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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of binary numbers?
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Advantages and disadvantages of binery number system?

Disadvantages of the binary number system include: Writing very large numbers would be time consuming You could also get confused when trying to read very large numbers containing a long line of 1s and 0s Advantages of the binary number system could include: Fewer number characters are needed when writing out numbers

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One advantage is more bandwidth. A disadvantage is that the transmitted power is lower.

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advantages: its easier to figure out or look at exact numbers disadvantages: its harder to see the change between intervals

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The answer: Advantages: you will be able to see the exact numbers. Disadvantages: you wont be able to see were they would go on a graph

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One of the advantages of having a numeric keypad is that you can type in numbers faster. One of the disadvantages of having a numeric keypad is that is takes up space on your keyboard.

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Equations are eaiser tofind with smaller numbers. Once you get the equation, you can find any missing numbers with is very helpful. Disadvantages are that equations are harder to find with bigger numbers.

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The sum of binary numbers is also a binary number.

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Advantages: You can collect the correct data in words rather than in numbers. Disadvantages: Sometimes you can't find all the data when it is written.

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