one thousand three hundred sixteen ten- thousandths
10,600 in decimal form (scientific notation) would be: 1.06 x 104
Standard integer form: 210,000 Scientific notation: 2.1x105
To write six hundred ten thousand in scientific notation, you need to express it as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. Six hundred ten thousand can be written as 6.1 x 10^5 in scientific notation. The decimal point is moved after the first digit, and the exponent indicates the number of places the decimal point was moved to get the original number.
1.2 times ten to the fifth power in decimal notation is 120,000
one thousand eleven ten thousandths as a decimal = 1011.010
Three thousand five ten-thousandths in standard notation = 0.3005
six thousand one ten- thousandths as a decimal = 6000.0001
Five thousand five hundred eleven millionths (5,511 millionths) in decimal notation = 0.005511
1,318 millionths in decimal notation is 0.001318
The scientific notation for sixty seven thousand five hundred and ten is: 6.751 × 104