

Best Answer

Critical Ratio is an index number computed by dividing the time remaining until due

date by the work time remaining. As opposed to priority rules, critical ratio is dynamic and


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Q: What is the critical ratio?
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How does shear strength of fine sand effect by void ratio?

Shear strength of fine sand is determined by the angularity of the sand particles, the grading of the sand. These two features governs the critical state shear strength parameters of the sand. Density, however, dictates the peak shear strength of the sand. i.e. the denser the sand, the higher the peak shear strength. But the critical shear strength remain the same. The denser the sand, the lower the void ratio. Shear strength of fine sand is determined by the angularity of the sand particles, the grading of the sand. These two features governs the critical state shear strength parameters of the sand. Density, however, dictates the peak shear strength of the sand. i.e. the denser the sand, the higher the peak shear strength. But the critical shear strength remain the same. The denser the sand, the lower the void ratio.

What is the most effective shape for achieving critical mass?

A sphere is the most effective shape for achieving critical mass because it maximizes the volume-to-surface-area ratio, allowing for efficient packing of material. This shape ensures that the most material is concentrated in the core, leading to a faster accumulation of mass and initiation of a chain reaction.

What has the author Michael Andrew Inbody written?

Michael Andrew Inbody has written: 'Measurements of soot formation and hydroxyl concentration in near-critical equivalence ratio premixed ethylene flame' -- subject(s): Soot