Difference between Rs232 and RS485 is Only Distance RS232 is not for long or far distance .. but RS485 can be use for LONGEST distance ..
RS232 is single ended communication where as RS485 is Differential communication.
Max.no of receivers in RS232 is only ONE, whereas in RS485 is 32.
Max.no of transmitters in RS232 is only ONE whereas in RS485 is 32.
A USB modem plugs into your USB port.A "normal" modem plugs into your RS232 port or your parallel port.
A com port can also be called a serial port.
Yes on a modern computer you will need a USB to 9 pin RS232 converter or previously use the LPT parallel port.
well i don't think the question given is a correct question because like give the difference between the keyboard port and the usb port
Terminal provides infrastructure for the port to handle containers.
RS-232 serial ports are far slower than USB ports. With very few exceptions, devices that use USB ports would be impractical to use on a serial port.
The telephone line is the medium. The port is the connection point.
GPIB (general purpose interface bus) is a parallel port device. it can transmit more than one bit at a time. it is faster than rs 232 port. which is a serial port can transmit one bit at a time.the only disadvantage of GPIB or parallel port is it require more transmission bit so its transmission distance reduces.
Serial port, this one, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:RS-232.jpeg) it is usually coloured green on modern computers.
port and speed