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Sliding friction is the friction between the body and the surface on which the body is sliding. Static friction however, is the friction when the body isn't moving when you aply force to it. The force of static friction is the same as the force you are pushing the body UNTIL it moves!..It's a fact that the static friction coefficient is a bit bigger than the sliding friction coefficient.

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15y ago
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13y ago

question in wrong....... sliding friction is always greater than static friction........

I don't agree with the person above.

The force required to move an object, overcoming friction the instant the object starts moving from rest is a measure of static friction. However, the force required to keep a moving object in the same speed is a measure of sliding friction.

Sliding friction is less then static friction because it takes more energy to move an object at rest than it is to move an object that is already moving.

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Soumil Jena

Lvl 1
1y ago
You are Wrong, Sliding Friction is less than Static friction as in sliding friction the object is already in motion so it is easier to keep it in motion

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Soumil Jena

Lvl 2
1y ago

Sliding Friction is less than static friction because The object is already in motion so it is easier to keep the object in motion meanwhile for the case of static friction The object is at rest so we must put in more force to get the object to start moving.

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14y ago

Static friction. This is why many cars now have anti-lock braking systems. The ABS prevents the wheels from locking up and sending the car sliding. A sliding car is much more difficult to control and slow down.

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13y ago

Sliding friction is the normal kind of friction which all objects are subjected to slowed by according to the equation

friction = μFn

μ= the coefficient of friction

Fn= the normal force

Rolling friction is what causes the rotation of round objects when in contact with a surface. When a round object is in motion, friction brings the part that is in contact with the surface to a stop for one instant which causes the object to rotate and consequentially roll forward.

For example consider how a car moves:

the engine generates torque, which starts the wheel rotating. Friction then generates a forward force by slowing the part of the wheel in contact with the ground.

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12y ago

Static friction is the force that must be overcome in order to initiate the object's motion, ie. to start the object moving. Sliding, or Kinetic (moving) friction is the force that resists the object's motion , ie. it slows the object down if it's already moving. Generally, Static friction is a higher value than kinetic friction, ie. pushing an already moving object is easier than pushing a still object

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13y ago

kinectic friciton is when an object is moving. static friction is to calculate the force needed to get the object in motion.

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12y ago

Sliding friction is always less than the static friction by small amount.

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7y ago

Static friction is usually stronger than dynamical friction.

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13y ago

Static friction

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What is the difference with static friction and kinetic friction?

Static friction acts on an object at rest and prevents it from moving, while kinetic friction acts on an object in motion and resists its movement. Static friction is typically greater than kinetic friction for the same two surfaces in contact.

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Rolling friction acts on a rolling wheel. It is the resistance that occurs between the wheel and the surface it is rolling on. Rolling friction is generally lower than static or kinetic friction.

What is kinetic friction and sliding friction?

Kinetic friction is the friction that arises between surfaces in relative motion. Sliding friction is the friction that occurs when an object slides over a surface.

What is the three types of kinetic frictions?

The three types of kinetic friction are sliding friction (between surfaces sliding past each other), rolling friction (between a surface and a rolling object), and fluid friction (between an object and a fluid, like air or water).

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Rolling kinetic friction is usually less than sliding kinetic friction. This is because rolling friction involves less resistance as the object rotates on a surface, compared to the resistance in sliding friction where surfaces slide past each other.

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The friction between a rolling object and the surface it rolls on is called rolling friction or rolling resistance. This type of friction is caused by the deformation of the rolling object and the surface as they come into contact, leading to energy loss and slowing down the object's motion.

What are the 3 types of friction and its definition?

The 3 types of friction are static friction (force between stationary objects), kinetic friction (force between moving objects), and rolling friction (force between a rolling object and a surface). Friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

Difference between rolling and sliding friction?

Rolling friction generates considerably less heat than sliding friction. .

What are the three types of friction physics?

The three types of friction in physics are static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction occurs when there is no relative motion between two surfaces. Kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are sliding past each other. Rolling friction is the resistance to motion experienced by an object rolling on a surface.

What are the three types of friction and when does each apply?

The three types of friction are static friction, kinetic friction, and rolling friction. Static friction occurs when an object is at rest and trying to be moved, kinetic friction occurs when an object is sliding against another object, and rolling friction occurs when an object is rolling over a surface.

What is one example of rolling kinetic friction?

Anything with wheels, such as a car, would be an example of use of rolling kinetic friction.