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when most people refer to a computer, they mean a general purpose or programmable computer. A calculator is a single purpose computer, it cannot be changed to do other kinds of calculations.

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Q: What is the different bitween computer and calculator?
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What is the Different between a computer and a calculator?

A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in the form of answers.A calculator performs arithmetic operations on numbers.

Can i get a calculator?

If you have a computer, you already have the calculator that is part of the computer's program.

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I think no same meaning , only spellings are different.

Why is it computer called computer not calculator?

It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.

How come the calculator and computer yield different results for the square root?

They will not - unless you make a mistake.

Is there a adding machin on your computer?

yes you mean calculator. yes a calculator is there in the computer.

When you are doing computer vs calculator what can only the calculator do?

There pretty much the same thing, a calculator is a computer and a computer calculates things so i cant really answer that question.

Compare computer and calculator?

The only thing alike between a computer and a calculator is that you can use both to complete math problems. A computer is much more advanced in technology and you can do many things on a computer that you cannot do on a calculator.

What computer can do?

A computer is actually an improved calculator.

why a calculator is a computer?

it is part of a computer program

Is a calculator a type of computer?

No although most computers have a calculator on them.