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It helps them with their geometry lessons

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Q: Why is it important for kids to know how to use a compass and straightedge?
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Why do kids need to know how to use a compass and straightedge?

To construct geometrical shapes

Why is magnetic Declination is important?

Because if you need to use your compass to figure out which direction is north,then you need to know by how much the direction the compass points is wrong,and which way. That's the magnetic declination.

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An equilateral triangle has 60 degree angles. 60 degrees x 6 = 360 degrees. A hexagon has 6 sides so....

Why do you need a compass?

We need compass to know the direction we are going.

Why should kids vote?

because some kids know what they r doing and are smart but adults and politicians think they should not because they r not as important but the kids will be important in the future!!!

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It is to discipline kids , and make them know where their mistake is .

How important is studying your universe to us?

Studying the universe is crucial for understanding our place in the cosmos, the laws of nature, and the origins of the universe. It can lead to advancements in technology, reveal insights into the fundamental principles governing the universe, and inspire curiosity and awe that drives scientific exploration and discovery.

When was the first voting?

i dont know just find it out cause its important for kids to know that i am a kid myself

Why is it important to know an area's magnetic declination?

Knowing an area's magnetic declination is important for accurate navigation using a magnetic compass. Magnetic declination indicates the angular difference between magnetic north and true north, helping to correct for compass errors. This information is crucial for precise orientation in outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and boating.

Why adopt from Ethiopia?

What kids in Ethiopia usually know is that they have to respect their elders because it is very important to adults that kids respect their elders :]]

What uses a compass?

the use of an compass is to know what direction your going in such as north,south,east,or west

Are kids important?

of course they are they are ur baby who came out of ur tommy you have to know that now