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You should check with your local legal service.

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Q: Are there covenants or restrictions on the property that would limit your use of the property?
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What is the time limit for restrictive covenants in real estate?

The statute of limitations for restrictive covenants varies from state to state. You would need to check your state laws for the limits in your jurisdiction.

Can you start an HOA in an existing subdivision that would be a very basic one only intended to keep people from storing too much on their lots and to insure property is kept up?

Generally, you would need to obtain the written consent from every lot owner in the subdivision agreeing to make their property subject to membership in the home owner's association. You would need to draft a declaration of restrictions and covenants and have that document signed by every owner and then recorded in the land records. You will need the assistance of an attorney who specializes in real estate law.Generally, you would need to obtain the written consent from every lot owner in the subdivision agreeing to make their property subject to membership in the home owner's association. You would need to draft a declaration of restrictions and covenants and have that document signed by every owner and then recorded in the land records. You will need the assistance of an attorney who specializes in real estate law.Generally, you would need to obtain the written consent from every lot owner in the subdivision agreeing to make their property subject to membership in the home owner's association. You would need to draft a declaration of restrictions and covenants and have that document signed by every owner and then recorded in the land records. You will need the assistance of an attorney who specializes in real estate law.Generally, you would need to obtain the written consent from every lot owner in the subdivision agreeing to make their property subject to membership in the home owner's association. You would need to draft a declaration of restrictions and covenants and have that document signed by every owner and then recorded in the land records. You will need the assistance of an attorney who specializes in real estate law.

What are CC R's in real estate terms?

CC & Rs stands for Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Sounds complicated, but it's not really…although they can be lengthy with lots of legalese. You will find them most commonly in subdivisions and they are generally recorded documents. Simply put, this is a description of the things you can and cannot do with your property on the area in which the property resides. Restrictions limit the activities of homeowners (you can't turn your property into a farm) to assure that the property use is consistent with land use in the general area. Covenants are promises to do or not do certain things. You might be prohibited from parking your RV on the street or in the driveway (a separate area would normally be provided). A penalty is usually monetary damages or an injunction (a court order to stop what you are doing). Conditions are pretty much the same as covenants, except that the penalty could be return of the property to the grantor. If there is a Home Owner's Association (HOA) they have the authority to enforce these rules. These are not negotiable, and you will be expected to review and approve these as part of the contractual process. You, of course, will have a copy for your files. If you should decide you cannot abide by the rules, then your best course of action is to withdraw your offer before the end of the contingency period (see your contract).

Who enforces declaration of restrictions for subdivisions?

The town can enforce some restrictions that are necessary for compliance with local ordinances, but the abutters and purchasers of the subdivision would have standing to sue on any of the other restrictions that ran in their favor.

How do you get a waiver for a retrictive covenant on property?

You would need to negotiate with the entity that recorded the restrictive covenant. Until you do you are subject to the restrictive covenants.

What is the process for nullifying restrictive covenants in a subdivision when 51 of property owners are in agreement to remove such covenants?

Restrictive covenants "run with the land", thereby making them binding on all who acquired property under the restrictive covenants. Sometimes the Declaration itself contains verbage as to how they may be amended. Usually it is a VERY high percentage, normally 100% have to agree to an amendment. Once approved the amendment should be filed in the land records of the jurisdiction. If the item to be changed violates federal law, the item may be moot anyway as courts give no credence to covenants that are discrimatory. I once saw a restrictive covenant from about 1920 that said "No chickens, hogs, tractors or Chinese may be kept upon a property". ==Clarification== The document that created the restrictive covenants should contain a provision that they may be amended when a certain number of the lots have been sold. If there is no such provision and all the owners wish to amend the restrictions you may be able to obtain a judicial decree. However, keep in mind that any owners who disagree have the right to any benefits made appurtenant to their land in the Declaration of Covenants. If you find they cannot be amended, the restrictions will expire after a statutory period that may be as long as thirty years. You would need to check your state laws for the period in your state. Also, In SHELLEY V. KRAEMER , 334 U.S. 1 (1948), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racially restricted covenants were non-enforceable. Laws such as the Fair Housing Act of 1968 additionally made such restrictions illegal to enforce. No court would accept a suit to enforce them and they are no longer of any concern.

What happens if you have a property policy for 500000 and the actual valueof the property is 800000 and a total loss occurs?

You would not be paid more than the limit on the policy you paid for.You would not be paid more than the limit on the policy you paid for.You would not be paid more than the limit on the policy you paid for.You would not be paid more than the limit on the policy you paid for.

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Governments adding restrictions on research on genetic modification governments adding restrictions on research on pesticides

Can a property given in gift deed reclaimed by the grantor?

Real property transferred by deed cannot be "reclaimed" unless there were conditions mentioned in the deed that would trigger a reverter if not met and those conditions were not met. If the property was simply transferred to a new owner with no restrictions the former owner no longer has any interest in the property not any control over it.Real property transferred by deed cannot be "reclaimed" unless there were conditions mentioned in the deed that would trigger a reverter if not met and those conditions were not met. If the property was simply transferred to a new owner with no restrictions the former owner no longer has any interest in the property not any control over it.Real property transferred by deed cannot be "reclaimed" unless there were conditions mentioned in the deed that would trigger a reverter if not met and those conditions were not met. If the property was simply transferred to a new owner with no restrictions the former owner no longer has any interest in the property not any control over it.Real property transferred by deed cannot be "reclaimed" unless there were conditions mentioned in the deed that would trigger a reverter if not met and those conditions were not met. If the property was simply transferred to a new owner with no restrictions the former owner no longer has any interest in the property not any control over it.

Where do you find if there are deed restrictions for your property?

First, read your deed. There may be restrictions recited in the deed. However, deeds do not always mention all the restrictions and encumbrances that affect the property. You should also contact the attorney who represented you when you purchased the property and request a copy of the title report. It should list any encumbrances that affect your property.

Is there a limit to how many people can be in a live meeting?

It would actually depend on where the meeting is being held, fire code restrictions, and other liabilities. Because of problems that can arise, there usually is a limit to how many people can be at a live meeting.

What is a covenant on a property?

Covenants are restrictions on the property that are part of the title. Often houses in sub-divisions have them as do property that is sub-divided off a main part. Examples would be not to build any structure more than 50' high, no fences more than 4 feet high, the sub-division must approve any building permits. There are others such as to restrict the sale to a specific type of person. In cases such as restriction of sales, the courts may very well strike them down as being prejudiced and not affording equal opportunity, but most of the reasonable ones will be enforced.