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Yes, It makes no difference whether it's due to alcohol or drugs, you can be arrested for being "under the influence' in public.

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Of course you will get in trouble!!!

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Q: Can you get in trouble for being high at school?
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Yes they can get in trouble for saying your high in high school

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yes, you can get in just as much trouble for being there and not reporting the party as you can for being there and drinking.

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if you get high in school then u ca get in trouble for smoking and that's inappropate

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Oishi High School Battle - 2012 Oishi Has Boy Trouble 2-8 was released on: USA: 2013

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I was inarticulate because I got in trouble in high school.

What Oklahoma high school did Garth Brooks graduate?

He Graduated From Yukon High School. It is now being changed because of the new high school being made. It is now called Yukon Middle School.

Was Barack Obama a trouble maker in school?

It is not clear that he was a trouble-maker, but he does admit in his own writings (and in interviews) that in high school, he hung around with a crowd that used marijuana, and he was not especially focused on studying.

Is schurz a violent high school?

No its a awesome school to learn on and the have great students and teacher .Theres no violence or people getting in trouble.

What high school do Bethany Hamilton go to?

By the time she was in high school she was being home schooled.

How does high school affect chances of being a vet?

Yes high school is great for pooping

How is being a high school counselor different from being a middle school or elementary school counselor?

high school doesn't deal with the same things. in elemantary it is tatle tales and play stuff. in high school it is hacking into the computer system changing grades.